
Chiropractors work with the spine, not just because it’s often the source of neck and back pain, but because it houses and protects the central nervous system — that system which monitors, controls and regulates all body function, and allows the body to adapt to internal and external influences.

Spinal misalignments are typically caused by stress that overwhelms the body’s resilience and coping ability. Physical stress can occur as the result of a car accident or slipping on an icy sidewalk, improper posture, occupational trauma, or birth trauma. Emotional stress can be the result of significant emotional trauma or the inability to adapt to a stressful situation. Chemical trauma can result from the misuse of prescription or illicit drugs, inadequate nutrition, or environmental toxins. By interfering with the nervous system, these misalignments interfere with normal function, reducing your body’s ability to self-regulate, adapt, and heal.