Patient Testimonials

“Normally I need to visit a chiropractor every two to three weeks.  Dr. Martin’s adjustments last about two months.  Her technique is gentle and very effective.  A+!”

– Dale S.

“Dr. Julie is an answer to my prayers!  In early 2009, after several years of declining health followed by months of torment, I was finally diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease by a doctor on the east coast.  Being in the military, we move around a lot, so having access to the proper doctors and treatment is nearly impossible and incredibly expensive.  After earnest prayer, God brought Dr. Julie to me.  Her chiropractic method is hands down amazing – the extreme pain/tightness/soreness on the right side of my neck is almost completely gone!”

– Private name

“I was raised with applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and know that this method works.  The A.R.T.  Dr. Julie employs takes this method way beyond the next level.  Utilizing the A.R.T.  assessment tool has helped me understand what my body has been trying to communicate to me all along.  This has allowed me to take charge of my own health in order to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I praise God for the healing that is now happening in my body, and I praise God for Dr. Julie!”

          – Danielle F.

“…it’s amazing, considering what a state I was in when I came to see you [Dr. Martin].   At that time I felt like I was going downhill so fast there

was little hope for me. Seeing you was when it all started to shift!  I am

truly grateful for all the help you’ve given me…your comprehensive knowledge, including emotional work, vitamin testing, and especially your powerful healing spirit has been a great boon to my healing.  I’m sleeping better most nights, haven’t had an AFIB since before I saw you, and have only had some occasional palpitations.  I’m starting to meditate regularly and that seems to help. l believe this crisis which first presented as physical really also involves all these other deeper components. I am so appreciative of this healing turnaround, and hope I can continue to build on this new beginning.”

– Abby S.

“Thank you for all you have done for my daughter!  You have put her life back on track and have made such a huge impact on her life!  As a mother I can not thank you enough.  You are a true blessing and a gift from God!”

– Amy W.

“Thank you very much for so generously giving of your time and skill.  You are an exceptional practitioner!”

– Daniel D.

“Thank you Dr. Martin for always squeezing me in when I need your help.  I really appreciate all that you have done for me and how much you have helped me!”

-Kim B.

“As a Health Food Store employee, I enjoy learning about and utilizing many different methods of healing.  I  have used muscle testing in the past so when I found out Dr. Julie uses a sophisticated form called (A.R.T.) I was excited!  I have also learned that sometimes healing is a process and worth the time.  Having a lifelong struggle with anxiety and depression, I  have explored many ways of  trying to resolve these challenges.  Dr. Julie’s work has identified circumstances both past and present that were barriers to my healing.  Together we used that information to “unblock” those barriers, so deep healing options became clearer.  I also appreciate how Dr. Julie incorporates addressing the Methylation Pathway.  These pathways are foundational for overall health and wellness.  After a simple saliva test and a short wait the results showed concrete ways my body was physically struggling to stay in balance.  Re-tooling diet and supplements has opened up a whole new world of health for me.  We are so fortunate to have your gifts and talents in our little town!  Many thanks for helping me get well and allowing me to live a more peaceful life.”

-Kathy W.

“I’ve experienced healing results from the chiropractic care and the nutrition therapy I’ve received from Dr. Julie Martin. She has taken the time to understand my lifestyle choices and educated me on how my choices are affecting the quality of my health. She’s been patient with me as I transition into healthier living and choosing natural treatment for my personal health and well-being. I’m comfortable and confident in recommending Dr. Julie Martin to you.”

– Debbie P.